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发布时间:2020-01-14 23:05:48 阅读: 来源:光波表厂家

元器件交易网讯 17日消息,谷歌X和眼镜团队的史蒂夫·李(Steve Lee)宣布,截至上周,所有在去年I/O大会上签署眼镜探险家项目的2000名开发商现在均接到邀请。他们可以到美国山景城、纽约市或洛杉矶的谷歌公司去挑选他们的设备。




值得注意的是,谷歌高管,像谷歌总裁拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)和副总裁维克·古多塔(Vic Gundotra)并没有在昨天的眼镜专场大会上大力渲染该产品。有些人觉得这淡化炒作该产品的一种方式,让开发人员来扮演眼镜“代言人”的角色。(元器件交易网郭路平 译)


Today, Steve Lee of the Google X and Glass Team, announced that as of last week, all 2,000 developers who signed up for the Glass Explorer program at last year"s I/O conference have now been invited to pick up their devices from Google"s offices in Mountain View, New York City or Los Angeles.

Of course, not everyone has to actually pay the $1,500 to get them if they don"t want to, but it"s safe to say that most of these developers will be picking them up and dropping down the cash.

Lee also noted that the 8,000 #ifihadglass “winners” who still have to pay their way will start getting theirs soon. The importance of having the device in the hands of those who will be building apps, the only way that we"ll ever know what the device is capable of, was not an easy thing to do. You can"t really seed a device that sits on your face quietly, thus the need for an Explorer program that was announced last year. Lee said: “This isn"t something that we could have worked on in some secret lab; it had to be out in the real world.”


Lee also noted that Glass will receive monthly software updates with bug fixes and new features, which means that we can expect another one to come sometime in early June, similar to the one on May 8th. The experience wasn"t completely overhauled with the last update; the introduction of a “long press” for search was handy.

As we"ve walked around the I/O conference, it"s been commonplace to find someone stopping to take a picture or slide through the timeline in front of their place. There are still a lot of questions to be answered as to whether this is a device that will catch on for consumers, but watching its evolution in the earliest days is fun.

Something that"s interesting to note is that Google executives, like Larry Page and Vic Gundotra, haven"t been sporting their Glass, specifically on stage yesterday for the keynote. Some feel like this was a way to tone down the hype about the product, letting developers take over the “spokesperson” role for Glass.



